
The Box of Dummies in Alicante

Awesome to see a detailed report from José Carlos Robles of the Photobook Club Alicante about the box of dummies event held recently. A section of the piece is shown below along with several images but for the full article, head here. 

The box didn’t leave anyone indifferent. As usual, we met at the MACA’S (Museum of Modern Art) llibrary were  we could enjoy the amazing work of remarkable artists. We started a brief summary of the works and subsequently we gave a brief time for everyone to carefully observe them.

With great astonishment and why not  certain dose of criticism, I must say, the books were passed from hand to hand  until with great emotion. After the meeting we all gathered at the “October Press Café” to continue the chat , a place highly recommended for further discussions photographically for obsessive minds like we are.

I must say that it could be risky to highlight the most admired books. However, we can not ignore GALAND FLORENCE’S book entitled “ARBRE. PIERRE. NUAGE “, a gorgeous specimen. We also want to highlight the work of DAVID MCBRIDE entitled “THE ANOMALIES”. The author reveals that the story, told in a way of abstraction key, speaks about the time he  spent caring for his father, RICHARD BERNARD MCBRIDE. The period of time during which he was diagnosed with Alzheimer, the  care he gave hime, his memory loss, mood swings, problems with language and inability of reasoning until his death, constitute a marvellous tribute to his father. We are sure he will have been proud of his son.WONDERFUL!



The Box of Dummies in Alicante!

The Box of Dummies, which has been touring for over 6 months now, will be in Alicante on April 8th with the Photobook Club Alicante and the Photobook Club Granada at the Contemporary Art Museum of Alicante. If you can get to the meeting you will be able to get your hands on these great prospective works and if not – check out the website with video flick-throughs.


Thanks to José Carlos Robles and Carlos Aguilera who are organising the event for the details and the images of previous meetings shown below…


PLACE : MACA  (Contemporary Art Museum of Alicante)
Date: April , 8.
Hour: 18:30 p.m.

You can check the latest news in our web in this link.


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Box of Dummies in Gibraltar

The box of dummies has arrived in Gibraltar for a meeting with the PBC Campo de Gibraltar. The event, which takes place tonight is happening as part of the ‘White Night of Photography’ event. Images to follow!

Box of Dummies in Gibraltar

The Box of Dummies arrives in Valencia

So, after the box of dummies left Murcia, we have tomorrow the session of the Box in Valencia! Miriam Ortuño has made a video promo for the session…

– Jorge Alamar


The Box of Dummies is Ready to Ship

The Box of Dummies which was formed last year during the ‘Le Photobook Fest’ dummy award, is now ready to ship! The box features 12 awesome dummy photobooks which I hope will make their way to a whole bunch of different events around the world.

While I have already received some locations for stops, it would be great to have all interest expressed here so that the most efficient route for the books can be worked out. As before the only cost involved is in paying for the postage from the book’s previous destination. If you are interested – pop me an email

The Box of Dummies Website

You can check out all the books by heading to the dedicated site – 

– Matt