
Ben Krewinkel and a bootlegged ‘Midwest Dirt’

While this chat I recently had with Ben Krewinkel mostly focused on methodology and importance of conversation in the image making process, it still may be of interest for some who have seen ‘A Possible Life; Conversations with Gaulbert‘…

A conversation about conversation with Ben Krewinkel from CU Photography on Vimeo.

Matt Johnston talks to Ben Krewinkel about the project ‘A Possible Life; Conversations with Gaulbert’ in which Krewinkel co-authored a documentary about identity, memory and documentation of an undocumented person. ‘Gaulbert’, an illegal immigrant who resided in Amsterdam was both subject and collaborator leading to a wonderfully rich, sometimes tense and consistently powerful body of work.

For any interested, this is a small part of an open class I am teaching at the moment which lives online at – take part if you like!

In other news, Nathan Pearce has successfully bootlegged ‘Midwest Dirt’ which is available in all its rough and ready glory here. ($9)


Still Here

It has been too long since the last post here but house buying, summer breaks and the like have taken over a little.

There have been some wonderful additions to the Photobook Club’s Natural Collection which you can view by clicking the image below – and remember that if you want the collection to visit your University, school or community, you just need to get in touch.

The Natural Collection – New Additions

The box of dummies is now working it’s way around the world after initial events at Coventry, Murcia and Valencia.

The Box of Dummies in Valencia

And the original Box of Books is about to start it’s journey back home from Canada – there are things planned for it’s arrival which I will be posting soon.

In other news, Nathan Pearce’s ‘Midwest Dirt‘ edited by myself and brought to book-life by Akina books has sold out – a few copies available in book shops only now! While I will continue to work with Nathan on new works I am also interested to hear from other photographers who might wish to collaborate on a body of work – email

Midwest Dirt by Nathan Pearce

Midwest Dirt by Nathan Pearce

Now it’s just after harvest time, my favorite time of year. The fields are almost cleared and I’m barefoot on my porch with a beer in my hand. I can see for miles.

For over a year now I have been working with Nathan to bring this fantastic project into corporeal existence and with the aid of Akina Factory who who created the book concept and design, the result is beautiful.

One of the toughest elements of editing this work is something Nathan has pointed out in a recent interview with Darwin Magazine – how the projects needed to move away from cliched depictions of the rural midwest but at the same time not disown culture and environment. While the geographical location rooted in the midwest, this project for me has always been about home, about home as a constant for good and bad. For this reason I hope it appeals to many.

If you are interested in buying the book you can head here.

To see more from the series, head here.

Midwest Dirt
Nathan Pearce

Edited by Matt Johnston
Book project by Akina Books Factory
Edition of 135
Hand sewn binding


Midwest Dirt by Nathan Pearce, ed by Matt Johnston – looking for support

I mentioned briefly when it was launched that I have been working with a talented Midwest photographer Nathan Pearce to bring his story and vision of the Midwest to more people in the form of a beautiful photobook.

If you want to help fund the project or find out more, you can do so on the indiegogo page but what I would really love is for you to listen to Nathan…

It was not lightly that I took on this project and there have been a number before and since that have simply not been a good fit but I am very interested to hear from anyone who may be interested in working alongside me on book projects or photography or any other medium provided it provokes memory or emotion.

– Matt